10, 17, 24, 05/31 and 06/07/2021
7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Audience: Doctors, medical students and residents
There will be five nights of scientific activities, aimed at the non-sleep specialist. The objective is to raise awareness among the non-specialist physician about the importance of the correct diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders and to encourage them to go deeper and deeper into the themes that involve the day-to-day activities of their practice.
Doctors: R $ 400.00
Medical students and residents: R $ 200.00
Hours: 10h00
Will be issued certificate to the students present on the days of the course.
Classes will be held live on scheduled days.
Closer to the beginning of the course, registrants will receive the link to participate.
If they cannot / are able to attend one day live, those registered with a paid subscription will be able to attend the recorded class (es).
Recorded lessons will be available for 03 months after the end of the course, only for those enrolled with paid enrollment.