Atuação do fisioterapeuta do sono sob o olhar da equipe multidisciplinar 30/Jun, quarta-feira, às 19h00 CLIQUE AQUI E GARANTA SUA VAGA MODERAÇÃO: Juliana Arcanjo Fisioterapeuta do Sono certificada pela ABS e ASSOBRAFIR e Doutora em Ciências Médicas pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Daiana Mortari Fisioterapeuta […]
Categoria: Sono
24 de septiembre a las 7:30 pm ESPACIOS LIMITADOS – REGÍSTRESE AQUÍ Silvia Conway Psicóloga del sueño y directora de la Asociación Brasileña del Sueño. Gabriela Rodrigues Alves Psicólogo clínico especializado en Psicoterapia Breve por la Universidad de São Paulo. Psicólogo del sueño por la Asociación Brasileña del Sueño (ABS) […]
October 8 at 7:30 pm Dr. Luciane Impelliziere Luna de Mello Pulmonologist and specialist in Sleep Medicine. Moara Rocha Physiotherapist Post graduated in Sleep at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein / SP. Vice president of the Sergipe regional of ABS. Giovana Diaféria Speech therapist and coordinator of courses in sleep speech […]
8 de octubre a las 7:30 pm Dr. Luciane Impelliziere Luna de Mello Neumólogo y especialista en Medicina del Sueño. Moara Rocha Posgrado de Fisioterapeuta en Sueño en el Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein / SP. Vicepresidente de la Regional Sergipe de ABS. Giovana Diaféria Logopeda y coordinadora de cursos de […]
September 24 at 7:30 pm LIMITED SPACES – REGISTER HERE Silvia Conway Sleep Psychologist and Director of the Brazilian Sleep Association. Gabriela Rodrigues Alves Clinical psychologist specialized in Brief Psychotherapy by the University of São Paulo. Sleep Psychologist by the Brazilian Sleep Association (ABS) and the Brazilian Psychological Society. Patricia […]
September 22 at 7:30 pm LIMITED SPACES – REGISTER HERE Dr. Andrea Bacelar Sleep specialist neurologist, President of the Brazilian Sleep Association. Dr. Leticia Soster Neurophysiologist at Hospital Albert Einstein and Alta Diagnóstica, Responsible for the Children’s Sleep Service at Instituto da Criança, HCFMUSP. Dr. Alexandre Azevedo Psychiatrist at the […]
September 3 at 7:30 pm Fernando Louzada PhD in Neuroscience and Behavior, Full Professor at the Department of Physiology at the Federal University of Paraná – UFPR. Katie Almondes Sleep Psychologist, PhD in Psychobiology, Professor in the Department of Psychology at the Federal University of Rio Grand do Norte, President […]
Congreso Brasileño del Sueño 2019 Inscripciones anticipadas con descuento Garantice su lugar en el Brazilian Sleep Congress 2019 y ahorre con la inscripción anticipada. Hasta el 1/10/2019 tenemos descuentos especiales en el registro online. Cursos Pre-Congreso ¡Esté atento a los cursos pre-congreso y garantice su inscripción! Mas informaciones CANAL DE […]
Brazilian Sleep Congress 2019 Discounted early registrations Guarantee your place at the Brazilian Sleep Congress 2019 and save with early registration. Until 10/1/2019 we have special discounts on online registration. Pre-Congress Courses Keep an eye on the pre-congress courses and guarantee your registration! More information SLEEP CHANNEL Subscribe to our […]
Fecha: 04 al 07 de diciembre de 2019 Local: Foz de Iguazú / PR Web oficial :